Day One Trauma Support

My First Triathlon Fundraiser

Ako Shillitoe

Ako Shillitoe

My Story

I went on a climbing holiday to Mallorca in March 2016 with my husband, our 2-year-old son, and 2 friends. I climbed the first route of the trip, we call this the warm-up route, but due to a technical error. I fell from the top, a height of over 25 meters. I sustained multiple injuries so serious that the medical professionals did not know if I would survive the day. Thankfully, I did.

I was eventually deemed strong enough to be flown back home to England, where I stayed in the LGI's Trauma Unit for 8 weeks undergoing various surgeries.

For the first year, I struggled even to move. I went through so many frustrations and emotions. I even questioned why I had survived.

Slowly I was able to move a little, and then I managed to walk a short distance. I was able to ride a bike after a while, although I couldn’t run yet. Eventually, I was even able to start climbing again!

I am so grateful to be alive, especially to be here with my husband and son. I am so grateful to be able to do what I love, spend time outdoors, and be active again. I am so grateful to those who helped me: my family and friends, the doctors and nurses at the LGI Trauma Unit, and my occupational therapist.

I cannot thank these people enough. I would like to do something to make sure that others in my situation receive the help that they need. That's why I'm taking on this triathlon on 7th of August to raise funds for Day One Trauma Support, who help people like me to rebuild their lives after major physical trauma.

Please consider donating to my fundraising page and helping Day One to be there for whoever needs them, from day one and for as long as they are needed.



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

I went on a climbing holiday to Mallorca in March 2016 with my husband, our 2-year-old son, and 2 friends. I climbed the first route of the trip, we call this the warm-up route, but due to a technical error. I fell from the top, a height of over 25 meters. I sustained multiple injuries so serious that the medical professionals did not know if I would survive the day. Thankfully, I did.

I was eventually deemed strong enough to be flown back home to England, where I stayed in the LGI's Trauma Unit for 8 weeks undergoing various surgeries.

For the first year, I struggled even to move. I went through so many frustrations and emotions. I even questioned why I had survived.

Slowly I was able to move a little, and then I managed to walk a short distance. I was able to ride a bike after a while, although I couldn’t run yet. Eventually, I was even able to start climbing again!

I am so grateful to be alive, especially to be here with my husband and son. I am so grateful to be able to do what I love, spend time outdoors, and be active again. I am so grateful to those who helped me: my family and friends, the doctors and nurses at the LGI Trauma Unit, and my occupational therapist.

I cannot thank these people enough. I would like to do something to make sure that others in my situation receive the help that they need. That's why I'm taking on this triathlon on 7th of August to raise funds for Day One Trauma Support, who help people like me to rebuild their lives after major physical trauma.

Please consider donating to my fundraising page and helping Day One to be there for whoever needs them, from day one and for as long as they are needed.